Counters - After
I'm very pleased.
Kitchen - Before
Kitchen - AfterKitchen Island - before
Kitchen Island - afterHere's where my sink is. The tile is all new.
Guest Bathroom - before
Guest Bathroom - after
The nice thing is that we do have tile on both bathroom floors - and they look really nice. We're probably going to tile the utility room, hall, and kitchen with the same stuff. Here's a photo from the hall.
The utility room before
The utility room after
Utility sink before
Utility Sink afterMaster bath before
Master bath after
Turns out the counter top guys broke off the pipe that goes into the master bath sinks. That's why you see a nice big hole in the bottom.If you ever replace counter tops, don't forget to factor in the cost for a plumber. The counter tops guys set the sinks and left. $1,500 + later, we get the sinks all put back together - which is not something we planned for. Since the home was built by a homeowner, the plumbing is a little screwy. Plus, it's been a while and they have to upgrade stuff as they come across them - our supply lines were screw in and have a tendency to leak if you re-connect stuff to them.
All in all I'm pleased. Next up is to tile and laminate the floors downstairs (which all this work was done - downstairs). I'm also rethinking the yellow in my utility room.
1 comment:
Everything looks great!!! GOOD JOB!
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