Sunday, August 26, 2007

Reviewed: "The Doublet Affair" by Fiona Buckley

This is the second book in Ms. Buckley's Mistress Blanchard series and the third one I've read.

This book shows how Ursula becomes a trained spy - which was something I didn't understand by reading the third book ahead of this one. The first book, Ursula was a desperate widow trying to make the best of a bad situation. The third book, she's being sent off as a deliberate spy - complete with lock picks and a dagger hidden in the folds of her skirt.

I liked this story in that Ursula is starting to embrace spying and shows a real knack for it. She was able to sniff out the mystery - but her actions yielded consequences. She finally understands the serious business of her new lot in life.

Well done. I'm enjoying Ms. Buckley's Ursula series. I've just started reading #4.

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